Restroom Sanitation ​

At MSCH Maintenance Services, we understand that your employees and customers deserve nothing but the best when it comes to clean, sanitized restrooms. After all, your restroom is just as crucial to your company’s image as your conference room or sales area.
That’s why our team is dedicated to providing top-notch commercial cleaning services tailored to businesses like yours. Our restroom cleaning services are designed to not only ensure immaculate facilities but also to enhance customer satisfaction and employee productivity.
With MSCH on your side, you can rest assured that your restrooms will be sparkling clean and fresh-smelling, allowing your customers to feel comfortable and your employees to focus on their tasks without any distractions. Trust us to deliver results that speak for themselves – because a clean restroom means a happy and healthy environment for everyone.

From floor to ceiling cleaning service

Clean and sanitize toilets, urinals, sinks and tiled surfaces clean all glass and mirrors

total disinfectant program

clean all glass surfaces and countertops

Equipment dedicated to restroom use only